Friday, January 2

Top 5 Places to Avoid After Dark:

1. Edmonton: This could really just be a year round thing.
2. Surrey Central Station
3. Graveyard: Zombies anyone?
4. Sketchy Back Alleys. The clean ones are fine.
5. Vampire Nests. For obvious reasons.

Yesterday I accidentally got into a little vampire nest fiasco. It was soo uncomfortable. The good news it that I had just eaten a ceasar salad and happened to have my wooden stake walking stick along. At least, that's how I remember it. But lately the sun has been making me scared and angry. And in the middle of the night I've been getting phone calls from a man with an incredibly sexy voice asking "where are you daaarling? you were supposed to meet me heere half an hour ago." Oh and now I really want to drink your blood. Should I consider these bad signs?
How is any of that different from before you had the vampire nest fiasco?
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