Friday, January 2

Top 5 Names For Bryan and Zoe's Newest Addition (boy edition)

1. Madd
2. Mardigan
3. Atreyu
4. Skye
5. =with a bullet= Batman

all totally in consideration
Skye is very pretty...but I would consider it a girl's name. And Batman is just great because it would give us all a conversation piece to use whenever the topic of names comes up. Though Zamphir is just epic... It's a tough call.
I don't know, Carphonso is a pretty impressive one.
Batman is tougher now that hes sooo hip

its actually throwing me for a naming loop these days.
Batman is tougher now that hes sooo hip

its actually throwing me for a naming loop these days.
Skye is totally a boys name. i'm confident of that
By the way, I told Dan to suggest "Craphonso," not Carphonso. Poo is funnier than fish.
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