Friday, November 17

Top Five Things Our Church May Do with Our Flooded Parking Lot

5. Drink it may be cleaner than the tap water.
4. Teach small children to swim only after they pay a small admission fee as well as part of our certified instructors salary.
3. Practice our Moses skills
2. Baptize People
1. Whine and Complain to all the pastors every 10 seconds about how we need to fix the problem...obviously.

is the flooding really that bad?
I like flooding. It's like....turning away customers.
lets just say that one of my youth was running and didn't see an open man hole and fell in to the point where we couldn't see was amazing...
you have open manholes???

what the heck---
You know, if you added two parts chicken, three parts broth, you've got yourself a perfect opportunity for a church get together.
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