Monday, October 23

Top Five Terrifying Things About Ireland

1. Drinking alone - wow... its intense to walk into a pub, to order a pint, to drink the pint. but you have to drink guiness in Ireland. And I run out of things to do around 7pm.
2. Talking to cute girls - hehe this is scary eveywhere. I have mustered two conversations thus far. (where are you from - in hostels and where is ___________ - to just about anyone, cause i need help with directions constantly. oddly enough the irish don't believe in streat names)
3. Sleeping on a national treasure (one giant's causeway) - I know I wasn't supposed to but it was so beautiful, and well yeah. I had a crazy nightmare of the Irish deporting me, because of disrespecting their beautiful nature.)
4. That one will lose their passport or wallet. I don't know if this is true of everyone but I have a rediculous paranoia of losing this stuff.
5. The exchange rate of pounds to dollars - bah

Rob - come drink guiness with me

Dude, you're in Ireland? That's awesome.
Whooooaa! Son of a! Mother of! *#300!*@#~!!

That's awesome! What're you doing there? Are you going to find Conan's ancestors? You could go visit his castle.
NO! i hate guiness!
NO! i hate guiness!
I'm there (see you in my dreams). Sighhh.'re in Ireland eh? Cool.
the drinking has gotten easier hehe

had 4 pints bought for me the other day... crazy
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