Saturday, September 9

Top Five Way I Met New People This Week.

5. Running down the hill puking into a bush.
4. "UGH" *GLARE*, i forget her name.
3. "hello my name is Ryan, im from ____, i like to take long walks on the beach and enjoy reading romantic fiction" Dr Richard replied asking who my favorite romantic fiction arthur was... "Oprah?"
2. "Will you get me more apple juice?" another girl did!
1. "Will you bake me a cake?" im getting muffins next week!

Speaking of Dr. Love, er, Richards -- is there some "crazy" news about him or something?
i heard he is resigning to go to PAOC finance or something like that.

also, president of eastern pacific (masters?) resigned to prez a school in florida.

MCQ: awesome list. keep it up!
Umm, do I know this "Romantic Fiction Arthur?"
He called me yesterday. Kind of creepy.
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