Saturday, September 30

Top 5 GWN Supertour Moments

1. Driving Kutless' drummer around downtown Edmonton and getting ridiculously lost.
2. Signing a kid's face (see previous post)
3. Signing up three pages worth of people for this band's email list (I got kind of bored because nobody was checking out the Summit booth)
4. Driving around Edmonton at about 10:30 at night, and realizing that every fast food place was closed. Seriously, everything. We had to go to 7-11. That really cemented my distaste for Edmonton (Sorry Otto).
5. Meeting Juno award winner Amanda Falk, and trying to get her to mention my name on stage.

dan for your sake, i hope you never get famous...
a little what goes around comes around, with the somewhat famous Amanda Falk not mentioning your name despite all your appeals. poor Gordon and Stuart.
Wow. I know Dan Donkers, and Dan Donkers knows Juno award winner Amanda Falk.
At this point I think I can easily say my life goal has been accomplished.
What's a GWN Supertour? And where can I get one?
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