Wednesday, August 30

Top 5 Potential New House Traditions

1. Some kind of poker/pizza night
2. Romantic dinners with Rob (more accurately, practising the making of romantic dinners with Rob in preparation for the ladies that are sure to come).
3. Destroying everyone who ever attempts to challenge me at NHL 06 on Josh's XBox
4. Visitors
5. Lazy evenings on the patio with a bag of Spitz.

#2 is a mighty tempting reason to come visit...
I'm homesick
#6 having me over!
you are hilarious
what would life be without a donkers?
I'm into 4... visitors...always nice to have them...especially if they're coming to your province in a few months - hmmm...
1. It will be NHL 07. 2. We should make Saturday nights pizza/poker/SNL.
hey, when you moving in? slash, when's the house warming party? slash, can i come later, because i'm in the wrong province to attend said party...?

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