Thursday, August 31

Top 5 Movies I'm Excited to See

1. The Last King of Scotland - It looks friggin Intense and it's historical. From the preview, Forrest Whittaker looks surprisingly convincing in his role.

2. Little Miss Sunshine - I just watched it last night. This movie is absolutely brilliant! When Sara-Lynn and I come down to abbotsford and any of you haven't seen it, we'll totally go watch it again. Steve Carrell is breathtakingly good in this movie.

3. The Last Kiss - I am a tiny bit disappointed that this movie is a remake of an italian movie. But it still looks really good.

4. The Science of Sleep - A film by Michael Gondry, this is enough reason alone to watch the movie. If you don't know who Michael Gondry is, he also directed Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Watch the trailer I'm positive you will like it.

5. Old Joy - I think I am the most excited about this movie. It stars Will Oldham and Daniel London. Will Oldham happens to be one of my favorite musicians, and he looks as unacceptable as always in this movie. The movie just looks beautiful to me.

isn't it Michel gondry?
or Michel Gondry?
(stupid not capitalizing his last name first time around)
i think you're right moey, nevertheless, you need to be the person who watches all these movies with me.

because i think you will appreciate them as much as i will.

especially, Old Joy.
i will watch them with you
i am movie deprived
we will have some back to back to back movie dates
you can bring your wife

i'm really looking forward to seeing you guys
Little Miss Sunshine was a great movie! It was some of the best acting in a long time (that scene where they're at the supper table and the guys don't know what to say to each other -- it was perfect). And the ending made me smile. Although that little kids beauty pageant was siiiiiiiiiiick.

The other ones look interesting -- thanks for the heads up!
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