Sunday, February 12

Top5 Lines from Arrested Development's Finale

5. "Marry me!...That's just wrong on so many levels." - Michael
4. "Leave the fruits to the vegetables." - Lindsey
3. "I always pictured Gob in a lighthouse." - Tobias
2. "Looks like George Michael's got his mother back." - Gob
1. "It's a great be sad." - George Michael

Honourable mentions:
"Why do there have to be puppets like Frank?" - Wayne Jarvis
"Well I was so busy making sweet love on my was hard to hear anything over the clanking of her breasts." - Tobias
"And that's how the kids got married." - Narrator
"He's in what we call a light-to-no coma. It's more like a heavy nap." - Buster's doctor
"COME ON!" - Buster

Save Arrested Delevopment...
Bless you.
I think what we need to do is write letters to ADs creator, Mitch Herlwitz. ShowTime will sign the show to their network if he stays with it. He's been so drained by now that he's not sure. Write the man.
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