Monday, February 6

Top five story beginnings from Holly's dad

5. Burt's thinking of moving. He said there was a day that you could go out on your deck and shoot a rifle down the valley. now that there are houses those days are gone...
4. Burt lent his horse to his neighbour. The neighbour went on Burts deck to return it, with the horse. The deck fell off the house... (now 2 reasons no shooting will be had off the deck)
3. When take my horse for a walk, the neighbours dog chases it. I'm thinking of shooting the dog...
2. Judy's neighbour's trailer burnt down, so now she's staying at Judy's (also Burt's house) Burt's gonna kill her soon
1. Caul, his dad and his uncle are making moonshine in their backyard...

You all wish you could meet Burt

The north makes me happy.
HAnne I do belive I like you!


welcome Holly
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