Friday, February 3

Top 5 Reasons Cars Suck

1. They singlehandedly brought about the breakdown of North American Communities.
2. They kill people.
3. They make me super impatient and angry.
4. They are loud, smelly, and loud.
5. They are so necessary to survival in North American society.

love your post, as you obviously know my opinion about cars, but point 5 should read North Americain Sub-Urban Society, lots of people don't own cars in Vancouver let alone New York city, this sorta in the box thinking will only lead to the furthering of unsustainable communities...this conformity factory is closed!!! Down with stopfiverecords and its take on community design!!! A Pox I SAY!!!
and i say a pox on there
mr.freak out should realise that the vast majority of places in north america don't have viable transist system. For those of us who live in such places, riding around in your bike in a -20 degree snowstorm doesn't sound like alot of fun. Especially when your job is a 1 hour DRIVE away.
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