Tuesday, February 28

Top 5 Nintendo Games

1. RBI baseball. Still the most brilliantly simple baseball game in existence.
2. Mario brothers 3. Just the best Mario game period.
3. Jackal. A jeep that shoots things. Two player action. Whooo!
4. Dodgeball. I don't remember the exact name of this one, but man what a game.
5. Double Dragon II. Nothing can compare to the killer roundhouse kick and knee to the face action of this game.

I say... any game that let you use the full capabilities of the "power glove." "The Power Glove, it's so bad..." and pointless.

that's how i would finish that quote.

Power Glove - Practicality = F-
Power Glove - Novelty = A++++++++, me + power glove = truLuv4eva!
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Can you even use that?
Come on Kang!
I think Mario Brothers 3 IS the best Nintendo Game ever!

Think about it...Mario IS Nintendo, and for Mario Bros 3 to be the best Mario Game, well by far, it should be the best Nintendo game. Ever!
i love the knee to the face action!
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