Wednesday, February 15

Top 5 Movies with Child Stars

1. Millions
2. The Goonies
3. E.T.
4. Home Alone
5. D.A.R.Y.L.

I dont know what the last one is, but you picked some gooders, especially the Goonies and Millions.
Is it wrong that I cried like a baby after I watched Millions?
ALLIE!!! i can't believe you don't know D.A.R.Y.L. It was one of the best in the 80's. You should definetly watch it! I mean it's about a boy who's actually a ROBOT!
D.A.R.Y.L. = Data, Analyzing, Robotic, Youth, Lifeform!!!! How awesome!

Oh by the way Dan Donkers... I'm a little disappointed "The Wizard" didn't make the list! I mean, what movie could be cooler than two kids going to california to enter a nintendo competition?????
"The Wizard" definately beats out Home Alone in my books.
The wizard was amazing. I agree 100%!
oh the Wizard another great! hahaha i used to want to be that kid... but the girl version. I will investigate this movie you speak of... gosh am i ashamed of my lack in the 80's movie knowledge.
how did the kid in the wizard know where the magic flute was if he had never played the game before? it took me like 4 weeks of non stop nintendo playing to find that !... BUT IM GOING TO CALI IN LESS THEN TWO WEEKS... Donkers you missed one other amazing movie... THE SANDLOT
The Sanlot rules.
I would replace Home Alone with that one.
But I bet that every single one of you who watched Home Alone tried to come up with cool booby traps of your own.
I did.
That's why it made the list.
aren't you stipulating that their needs to be a child star?

there is none in the sandlot accept maybe that fat kid, but I don't think he was a star.

Maybe you mean that the main characters are stars

i liked Radio Flyer
but my favorite is War of the Buttons
I think Home Alone needs to stay.

I also recommend adding The Good Son and My Girl, both starring the MC (oooou, cool initials!). And My Girl starred the first girl I ever remember having a crush on.

Well, I think anyway.

Heck, she was cute.
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