Friday, January 20

Top 5 Movies I watch when I'm Sick

1. Almost Famous. This movie is pretty much my favourite movie of all time. And Kate Hudson is comforting. And beautiful.
2. Star Wars 4-6. These movies require little thought, and are chalk full of adventure, fun, wookies, and the occasional golden bikini. Plus, when you're sick, you can identify with whiny characters like Luke Skywalker.
3. Garden State. Comforting, and it has a great soundtrack. Coming of age films are good when you're sick.
4. Braveheart. It's long and inspiring. And some book told me it would make me feel like more of a man.
5. The Royal Tennenbaums. Also a great soundtrack, and funny. But funny in that quirky grin kind of way, rather than that laugh out loud and start a coughing fit kind of way.

Notable Exceptions: The Saint and Family Man.

Good call!

I almost wish I was sick right now.
i must say, last time i was sick, Dodgeball was a major help!
Willow, and anything with irish accents work for me.
When Harry Met Sally...
the depiction of Hadrian's Wall in Braveheart is an abomination.


take it from a scot: there's nothing under the skirt.
Leathal Weapon... ALL OF THEM
I most definitely like disney movies when I'm sick...
i don't know which version of braveheart you watched, but in the version i watched there was nothing but bare asses beneath the kilt.
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